editorial from washington monthly

On Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Washington monthly published an editorial titled Our First Amendment Responsibility. The claim of the article is that we don’t correctly use our first amendment right. The article makes a suggestion to use “discipline and self-control” when utilizing the first amendment. 
The editorial speaks a lot about social media. It refers to social media as a platform to speak out and utilize the first amendment, as a modern day editorial board. The editorial also says, “this is an adult-sized responsibility that today’s young tweeters and posters probably do not appreciate. The author then uses an analogy to portray this message. The author compares teaching our younger generation to drive a car, to teaching them about using social media. Saying, “As parents and teachers—we need to teach kids to drive the Internet like we teach them to drive cars. If we don’t, then many of them will crash in ways they likely do not have the foresight to imagine. '' All of this is a great point to the argument that we don't use social media correctly and that we need to apply “discipline and self-control” when using the internet. We have a big responsibility as “editors” that can’t be taken lightly.
In conclusion, we have a responsibility to use discipline when we utilize our first amendment right. The editor does a great job of supporting this claim through the example of social media. Past generations could only read news that was filtered, whereas today we have news on facebook and twitter that doesn’t even as much as go through spell check. The claim is well supported in this editorial, so I stand in firm affirmation with them and their opinions on the topic.Washington monthly


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