Reproductive Rights in America Are Being Compromised

The Editorial board of The New York Times , established a riveting opinion article about the reproductive right crisis that is looming. Their argument is strong in that not only is the Trump Administration making changes to Title X, but they have "quietly been working to gut the Title X family planning program." This program actively aides poor women to get the health care that they need. The Trump Administration is trying to strip that away and have already started to succeed in doing so. The Editorial board is speaking out to women and more importantly with conviction to conservative men, with firm evidence that these changes are making abortion seemingly illegal. This editorial states, "The rule bars facilities that receive Title X money from providing abortions, even with a operate source of money, as has been required by laws for decades. It also prohibits clinics from referring patients for an abortion at a different facility- in other words, staff members would  effectively have to pretend that abortion is not a legal medical option." I strongly concur with the argument that this new Title X rule is unfairly taking away reproductive rights and is making it almost impossible for poor women to receive the health care they've had access to for so many years. It is terrifying how endangered my rights as a women are becoming. My right to have an abortion is facing death day by day. The Editorial Board consists of many intelligent and credible editors and journalists. James Bennett the editor of the Editorial page, was the editor and chief of the Atlantic. The Atlantic magazine won the National Magazine award four times during his time there.  Janine Interlandi is the health and science journalist for the Editorial page. She graduated from Harvard, has an M.A. in environmental science, and an M.S. in journalism from Columbia University. It is safe to say these authors are credible and intelligent. We MUST spread awareness and do everything we can to protect and support women's reproductive rights.


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